
Groups help keep registry foe out of Statehouse

by Eric Resnick

Cleveland-A domestic partner registry foe's bid to swap seats with a state representative was scuttled last week, and LGBT political groups had a hand in it.

Former Ward 10 councilor Roosevelt Coats said he was "philosophically uncomfortable" with the city's domestic partner registry when he voted against it in December. He also read Bible passages into the record of an earlier hearing to explain his discomfort with the measure, which he was unaware also included opposite-sex couples.

The registry passed, and took effect last month.

Coates, who had represented the South Collinwood neighborhood since 1987, surprised Clevelanders on April 16 by announcing his resignation from council. Former council majority leader Sabra Pierce Scott, also a registry opponent, resigned the same day.

Coats intended to swap seats with State Rep. Eugene Miller, whose

Equality bill

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and transgender .ndividuals McGregor told the House State Go ernment Committee on May 27.


"However in my view, the debate surrounding this legislation is not an issue of orality. Representative Stewart and I are not asking you to vote in support of a lifestyle that you may or may not agree with. We stand before "ou today to vote in support of fairness nd equality. We stand before you to-




10th District includes Coats' ward and downtown Cleveland. Coates said publicly that he wanted to spend more time with his family and his 17-year-old son, and called the state legislature "a different mindset" and less responsibility.

Cleveland City Council pays more than a state representative's seat, and is not burdened by term limits. Miller is 34 and was serving his third term. Coats is 60.

Miller was approved by council in early May and now represents Ward 10.

But Coats' intentions were thwarted, when, despite endorsements from city council and Mayor Frank Jackson, the Ohio House Democratic caucus named assistant Cuyahoga County prosecutor Robin Belcher to Miller's seat.

Opposition to Coats came from the Plain Dealer which, in multiple editorials, described Coats' tenure on council as underwhelming and not always engaged in the business at hand.

But strong resistance also came from the LGBT community, which may have created the tipping point away from Coats.

day to vote against discrimination." "House Bill 176's sole intention is to protect basic constitutional rights when it comes to housing, employment and public accommodation, just as we already prevent discrimination of individuals based on religious affiliation," McGregor continued.

Stewart made it clear to the committee that the bill has nothing to do with marriage.

"This is about discrimination in the work place housing, and with public

On May 20, former Equality Ohio staffer Bo Shuff, who publishes the blog bearsleft.com, began the campaign by cajoling the group to raise objections with House Democrats and to make the matter a statewide LGBT issue.

"Everything that can be done to prevent this man from be elevated to the Ohio House of Representatives should be done," Shuff wrote. "Everyone in Ohio that has a Democratic House member should be calling and writing in opposition."

"Any organization that has a file of supporters in that district should be working the e-mails and phones to the leadership of the Democratic House Caucus," he continued. "Any PAC that maxed out to the Democratic House Caucus in the last cycle should be on the phone with leadership demanding that this person who doesn't represent the values of Ohio should not be allowed to vote on the laws of Ohio."

The next day, Shuff wrote about his conversation with Equality Ohio deputy director Peter Caborn. "Equality Ohio has delivered the testimony

accommodations," Stewart said. "This is about the fact that in Ohio you can be fired from your job because your employer finds out that you are gay or lesbian and it's about the fact that you can be denied an apartment for the same


"On May 17, 2007, Governor Strickland issued an executive order prohibiting the discrimination of state workers from on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,” Stewart noted.

"H.B. 176 is a natural extension and would provide all Ohio citizens with the protection state employees are currently afforded. At this time, 20 states and over 140 cities and counties, including 16 here in Ohio, have enacted bans similar to H.B. 176."

"During these tough economic times, we should not give our young people

of Mr. Coats during the City Council hearing to the House Democratic Caucus. There have been additional conversations with House leadership, and an update will be going out to the Cuyahoga County members of Equality Ohio. In addition, conversations have been started, I believe with the Ohio Democratic Party."

"The entire House Democratic Caucus will make a recommendation to Speaker [Armond] Budish. He needs to hear from the members of the caucus, all of them, that reading Bible verses into the record as justification for discrimination is wrong and has no part in the Statehouse," Shuff continued.

Over the next few days, LGBT groups began mobilizing.

Equality Ohio, the Cleveland LGBT Center, and the Ohio LGBT Democratic Caucus took up the cause..

Belcher was appointed to the seat on May 27.

"Mr. Coats, your 15 minutes? They are over," Shuff concluded.

more incentive to leave Ohio," Stewart said.

"According to Equality Ohio and the Human Rights Campaign, our state ranks near the top of gay-unfriendly states in the nation," Stewart concluded. "This legislation is needed not only to attract and retain young gay entrepreneurs, but also the straight ones who appreciate the vibrancy of a diverse community."

Six witnesses are expected to testify before the committee on June 3. They are Ohio Civil Rights Commission executive director Michael Payton; Bishop Bruce Ough of the United Methodist Church's Western Ohio Conference; Springfield mayor Warren Copeland; Miami Valley Fair Housing Coalition executive director Jim McCarthy; Ron Templin of Cardinal Health; and educator Jimmie Beall.


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